Williams Course Catalog - An Example of Good Design
Link to Williams Course Catalog 19-20
Picture is taken from https://catalog.williams.edu/1920
This website is meant for Williams students to log onto and choose classes. It is the “warehouse” of all the courses on campus. The webpage is mostly use around the beginning of semester when courses are being selected and are updated relatively frequently during Drop-Add period.
The design of the webpage assists the student in looking for their courses. The departments’ names are laid out in alphabetical order with clear indication of whether it is offered as a major or a concentration. The Catalog Search Toolbar also helps greatly for students who want to search for courses in different ways: according to professor’s name, course description, division, meeting days of the week, or even enrollment limit and start or end time.
The combination of color, purple and white, overall in the website is also pleasing to the eye. The website is mininal in design, spans across the whole width of the webpage but does not have much flourishing or unneccessities, and, most importantly, accomplishes its purpose nicely.